2016 Temperature Blanket & Free Printable
A new year brings many new things. New goals. New resolutions. But mostly, new projects!
I am excited to introduce to you my year long project, the 2016 Temperature Blanket.
Here is what week one of 2016 looks like:
I've seen them before, but seeing as I didn't know how to crochet it was just one of those things I admired from afar.
Very afar.
But this last spring I met an eldery, yet very young at heart, lady at our local diner.
Every Saturday morning I eat there with my dad, while she is there with her husband and the rest of her entourage.
(Seriously, don't sit at their table. It's reserved. They will make not so subtle hints, until you move. Ha!) After many weeks of casual conversation with them, I finally got up the nerve to ask if she could teach me to crochet.
She said yes! It was an intense training, but luckily I'm still a pretty quick learner.
That being said, I'm very much still in the beginner stage. Baby steps and videos please!
A couple weeks ago this picture showed up from Repeat Crafter Me.
This time I didn't have to admire it from afar!
I researched some VERY simple stitches that would look great but have the smallest width possible.
Think about it, 366 rows, with leap year this year.
A king size throw could be made from one-fourth of an inch rows.
Finally I settled on the Moss Stitch as the best bet for my blanket.
But before I could get started I needed to pick out yarn.
My naive guy agreed to take me to Joann's.
He was looking at his phone and 15 seconds later he looked up to 10 skeins of yarn laid out in the middle of the isle.
I wish you all could have seen the confusion on his face and the disbelief in his voice as he said, "What just happened?"
Get used to it, hunny. Get used to it.
(You've all done it before. You know you have.)
I then made him join me at the fabric table to plan everything out.
He was a sport, but I'm not sure he will be joining me again in a craft store any time soon. ;)
Here's what "we" came up with:
Yep, I'm not your typical rainbow-temperature-blanket-making crocheter.
I liked all the blues and greens, so I embraced them and ran with them since they were on sale for $2.50 each. (Joann's Big Twist Premium Yarn)
Unfortunately, I had to add an outlier color with the dark gray.
If it's below 29° (like today) or above 109° (Lord, have mercy!) it will appear in the gray.
Finally, it was time to learn the moss stitch.
I used a tutorial from Dream a Little Bigger to learn how to do the stitch.
When it came to switching colors I used this tutorial from the Crochet Guru.
I struggled at first, not going to lie. After two full rows I figured out that I was missing half of the first stitch so I had to unravel and start again. But now I'm on a roll!
Each row takes me 20-25 minutes.
Good Netflixing time. (Anyone else watching Making the Murderer?! WHOA!)
I also wanted to create an easy way to keep track of the temperatures.
I know good and well that I have great intentions and start off a huge project committed.
And then life happens...
or I get bored.
But if I track the temperatures for each day, I can come back to it no matter what the excuse.
It's super simple.
Just mark the temperature in the box for the day. And mark it off when you are done with that day.
Download the FREE printable tracker HERE!
Here's how I am using mine, but you can do it any way you want!
I set an alarm on my phone to remind me to check the temperature at 3:30 PM everyday, just so it is consistant.
I color it in when I'm done with the row.
You could do the same or just work with the high of the day.
If you want to go back and check past temperatures use this helpful website.
I hope some of you will join me on this year long journey!
Whether it is tuning in each week for an update on the crazy Kansas weather, or crocheting a blanket yourself, I would love to hear from you!
Creatively Yours,
P.S. Yes! A new website. I was wanting a cleaner looking site and was told about WIX sites. Love at first site... I mean sight. ;)